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Piece by Piece

Extract from Pub and Bar article

July 2016

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Working behind the bar requires a well-ordered area supplied with efficient, high quality and well-maintained equipment.

Behind the bar, there are many opportunities for operators to boost their offer, whether through an improvement in existing food and drink options or bringing whole new ideas to the customer through the installation of essential pieces of equipment. It is important, however, for operators to ensure that what they are installing will bring the necessary returns to justify their space in an already crowded area, and then to make sure that the equipment is used and maintained properly.

The layout of a bar is the cornerstone to the smooth running of a business, so when considering what equipment to have behind it, it is worth contemplating how the area itself will be arranged. Operators need to look at how their staff are moving behind the bar to ensure that they are being utilised with maximum efficiency - operators need to know what they are installing, how big it is and where it will be placed. A reliable back bar icemaker capable of producing large amounts of ice without taking up too much space is also essential behind the bar.

Consider the usage of equipment such as glasswashers. If staff are to make the most of these pieces, they need to know how to use them and they need to be able to do so correctly and efficiently. Training your staff is key, but selecting equipment that isn't overly complicated is the best way to ensure that things don't go wrong. Choose a glasswasher that is easy to operate. If the machine has self-diagnostics and warning sounds or symbols, don't ignore them. They have been designed to ensure the smooth running of the equipment.

DC Products gives advice on what to look for when buying glasswashers and dishwashers in terms of energy efficiency and lowering costs:

A reduced water cycle consumption which strikes the optimum balance between water usage and hygiene; Innovative wash pumps and assemblies that use less power but increase pressure.; Insulated boilers which lower running costs and improve boiler recovery times; Choose a low volume wash tank that saves on water, and electrical and chemical consumption.

Read full article Pub & Bar, 18th July 2016 issue ...


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